This amazing blend is perfect for both men and women of all ages. It helps to balance out hormone levels in a natural, non addictive way. Great for helping improve mood and energy levels as well. This blend has helped many ladies struggling with the change of life (menopause), menstrual cycle symptoms, depression, mood disorders, and more! Some men have tried this as well. They stated it helped with their overall mood, mental clarity, and that their energy levels were higher then ever!
Sarsaparilla, Gotu Kola, Ginger, Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Wild Yam, Kelp, Chase Teaberry, Rose Hips, Ginseng, Dong Quai, Distilled water, Alcohol
" I've been taking this blend for over a year! It helped me so much with my depression and post partum baby blues. I feel so much better mentally when I take this blend. Even my husband states I'm happier when on the herbs." -anonymous
"I have struggled with depression and mood swings since my teen years. I noticed a huge improvement in not only my mental health but my physical as well. My periods became lighter, my acne and complexion got so much better, and I was no longer dependent on my antidepressants. I feel so much better all around when taking this blend." -Tayler Harris