Heart complex - Heart herbs which nourish the heart and repair valves, reduce swelling, restore feeble heart action, open congested heart blood vessels that are clogged, very slowly, so that the congestive debris is liquefied and flushed harmlessly from the body. "Living heart insurance policy"; grow your own new heart instead of transplant. You have a new soft tissue body every four months. Make it a better one. You can make a tremendous difference in a years time with the regular use of Heart Complex and walking for exercise. This process is all done naturally
The Hawthorn berries in this combination enthusiastically clean out waste nitrites and nitrates from the heart area in their haste to prevent disaster.
20 drops twice a day for one week send there-after, 40 drops twice a day
Hawthorne Berry, Butcher Broom, Morther wort, Myrrh, Distilled Water, Alcohol
One customer was suffering from early signs of a potential heart attack while she was at work. She was sweating, arm numbness, heart palpitations. She took some of our heart complex she had on hand and stated it helped instantly. She took the herbs every time she started to get sick again and it helped to ease the symptoms until she made it to the ER. After discharge she took only our herbs to treat her Blood pressure and plaque build up within her body. At her follow up, the doctors praised her for her improvement on her blood work. Dr did not know she was treating herself naturally with our herbal tinctures. -Elaine, Erie PA