This special blend was created to help those struggling with addictions. It helps to aid in the cessation of smoking cigarettes, drug use, and alcohol. These habits are only temporary relief from things such as tension, depression, stress, or even anxiety. Indian Tobacco is one of the main herbs in this tincture because it helps to ease the sensation of “everything around you is caving in on you”. It also helps to calm the body and release tension from within. Stopping an addiction on your own can often be very stressful. Try a bottle of Ease off to help you have a successful sobriety.
Ingredients: Lobelia, Chamomile, Catnip, Leopard’s Bane, Arnica, Distilled Water, Alcohol
One customer struggled with drinking. For years he cracked beer cans as if they were bottled water. He started drinking to the point he almost lost his family. He used the artery cleaner to flush the alcohol and its addictive properties from his body. He also used the ease off was used to help keep the craving of beer away. He is now sober, happy, and back on the right path! -anonymous